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2015年考研英语二小作文参考范文英语二小作文参考范文:新东方版英语二小作文参考范文:海文版  NOTICE  June...更多内容小编为你整理了详细内容,欢迎浏览。



英语二小作文参考范文:海文版  NOTICE  June 8, 2014  Since our university is going to organize a camp for high school students during this summer vocation, the Postgraduate Association is now recruiting volunteers to make the camp a complete success.  As a cultural exchange program, this camp starting from July 17 to August 17 aims to promote the understanding of American culture among high school students. Students will visit a high school in Texas and exchange ideas with students there. After that, they will have a tour to major American universities and famous tourist spots. Those who would like to volunteer for this activity must possess fluent communication skills in English. All the transportation and accommodation expenses are covered.  Anyone who is interested in international communication is encouraged to apply. The applicants may download the application form from the university website and send the form to 1234567@hotmail.com.  Postgraduates’ Association英语二小作文参考范文:跨考版  Notice  In order to enrich high school students’ life in summer holiday and expand the reputation of our university, the Students Union are going to host a summer camp in our school campus and volunteers are needed.  The details about this summer camp and volunteer recruitment are listed as follows.  Firstly, the summer camp will begin on September 1st and it will last for ten days.  Secondly, the main theme of this summer camp is “Better English, Better life” and there are various activities in this summer camp,including English-speaking contest, drama contest, sports meeting and dancing part and son on. Thirdly, volunteers need to have a good command of English and be enthusiastic in organizing different of kinds of activities.  If you have any question or suggestion about this summer camp,please contact us at 12345 as soon as possible.  ABC University



2015年考研英语二小作文参考范文英语二小作文参考范文:新东方版英语二小作文参考范文:海文版  NOTICE  June 8, 2014  Since our ... 2015年考研英语二小作文参考范文英语二小作文参考范文:新东方版英语二小作文参考范文:海文版  NOTICE  June 8, 2014  Since our ...

标签: 2015年考研英语二小作文参考范文 考研



